Juniors, Quality of schools

Quality of schools

Language summer camps abroad: Quality of schools

When you are choosing a school, certain accreditations can be a useful guide to quality. Depending on the exact label, they typically guarantee a certain standard of management, teaching, welfare, resources and environment. These accreditations can vary by country, language and region.
British Council
This official organisation recognises and monitors the quality of language schools.
(Association of Language Travel Organisations)
This association is comprised of more than 120 organisations and schools in the language travel sector from 30 different countries. The members of this association are committed to meeting the quality standards of ALTO.
English UK
ARELS and BASELT, two main academic quality control organisations, joined forces to form English UK. To become a member, schools must meet the following requirements: have qualified teaching staff, offer a first-class education, have specialised programmes, have a diverse student body and offer accommodation with meticulously chosen host families. 
(The World Youth Student & Educational Travel Confederation) 
Founded in 2006, this organisation has over 500 members in 118 countries. It was created by the fusion of two of the most important international federations for professionals in the youth travel sector: the ISTC (International Student Travel Confederation) and the FIYTO (Federation of International Youth Travel Organisations)

(The European Association for Quality Language Services)
This association is made up of institutions in the language-learning sector and guarantees the quality of their services. 
(Fachverband Deutsch als Fremdsprache) This organisation guarantees the quality of schools and universities where German is taught as a foreign language, which should meet the high standards set by the association in order to earn its seal of approval.
This Maltese federation is comprised of various English language schools which share its high standards of quality.
(International Association of Language Centres) This association is made up of more than 60 language schools, which undergo periodic reviews to ensure that they meet the association’s standards of quality.
International House
This international organisation of language schools is distinguished by its excellent academic service.
(Recognised English Language Schools Association) The English language schools in Ireland that belong to this organisation are accredited by the country’s Ministry of Education.
(English Language Intensive Courses for Overseas Students) This organisation guarantees the quality of the Australian language schools it’s comprised of.
(The National ELT Accreditation Scheme)
This Australian accreditation organisation guarantees that its member schools with its seal of approval offer an excellent, high-quality education.
(The American Association of Intensive English Programs)
This American association of language schools for foreigners requires its members to meet an established series of prerequisites. 
(The Accrediting Commission of the Accrediting Council for Continuing Education and Training) This organisation recognised by the American Department of Education carries out periodic quality control reviews of the schools wishing to hold its accreditation.
(Canadian Association of Private Language Schools) This Canadian association comprised of private language schools guarantees the quality of the courses and teaching staff of its member schools.
(Fédération Suisse des Ecoles Privées) The Swiss Federation of Private Schools guarantees the quality of the education imparted in its more than 250 language schools, some of which are among some of the country's most prestigious institutions.
The Swiss Tourism Quality Mark
This institution, founded in 1998, monitors the quality of businesses in the Swiss tourism industry.
(Calidad en la Enseñanza del Español como lengua Extranjera) All of our partner schools that teach Spanish as a foreign language in Spain boast this accreditation awarded by the University of Alcalá.