Adults, School Quality

School Quality

Our Partner School Quality

All of our partner schools are experts in their field and accredited by quality control bodies. At ESL, we’ve spent the past 20+ years carefully selecting and monitoring our high-quality network of partner schools to bring you only the best schools on the market.

ESL quality guarantee
Our goal is to help students have the experience of a lifetime during their language course, both inside and outside the classroom. Students benefit from ESL’s privileged relationship with our partner schools, who roll out the red carpet for ESL students. Helping us to maintain our high standards are the thousands of online student reviews that represent our most important barometer of quality! Each year, ESL recognises outstanding service at the ESL Language Travel Awards ceremony, and schools with consistently high student ratings are given an ESL Certificate of Excellence.
A close-knit environment
Whether a large school with hundreds of students or a small, family-run academy, all of our partner schools have something in common – they offer you a stimulating environment. With the ultimate goal of your well-being, a warm welcome combined with staff availability and support will make all the difference throughout your stay. From day one, you’ll make friends with whom you’ll share the experience of discovering your new destination. Day by day, you’ll become an expert on what to see and do to enjoy the city like a local. Life in full immersion is the best way to make the most of your experience abroad.
Motivating courses adapted to your level
Starting with a level test and needs assessment, you’ll be placed in the right class for you. You’ll have clearly defined objectives, support from your teachers who will track your progress along the way and a final certificate showing your achievement. You’ll be able to level up or sit an official exam. Enjoy reduced class sizes, excellent for facilitating communication, a wide variety of nationalities and a diversity of ages and backgrounds among students. Not only will you acquire language skills to last a lifetime, but also develop soft skills and broaden your horizons.
Dynamic teachers
At ESL, we know that a great teacher can transform a good experience into an unforgettable one. Our partner schools’ specialised teachers are native speakers with years of experience in teaching foreign languages. By using the communicative methodology, you’ll be putting skills like grammar and listening into practise as you learn to express yourself in a foreign language. Students will also enjoy the use of modern technology integrated into their classes. Your teacher will be there to encourage you throughout your language journey, with regular feedback and guidance.
Your language course beyond the classroom
The social experience that you have while learning a language abroad is an essential element to the success of your trip. This is why our partner schools carefully select quality accommodation options and a wide variety of free-time activities, which will directly enrich your extra-curricular life.  
Internet access
All of our partner schools have computers with internet access and offer free Wi-Fi, so you can bring your laptop or mobile device and go online throughout the school.
ESL - Accreditations  - AAIEP
This association exercises the function of national professional association regarding English language schools. It brings together the schools working according to a quality charter.
ESL - Accreditations  - ACCET
This association provides institutional accreditation for organizations whose primary function is for educational purposes and also for organizations offering continuing education. ACCET accredits non-collegiate continuing education and training organizations throughout the United States as well as programs abroad. ACCET is similar to the British Council in the UK, visiting all their accredited schools every 3 years. The schools accredited by ACCET are among the best in the USA.
ESL - Accreditations  - ACPET
ACPET is an association of independent providers of education services and/or of higher education for Australian and international students.
ESL - Accreditations  - ALTO
This association brings together language travel organisations that comply with its demanding quality charter. It has members in 30 countries over 5 continents.
ESL - Accreditations  - ASILS
This association brings together the best schools teaching Italian in Italy. Its aim is to manage the commercial and didactic competence of member schools and to enforce European quality standards in the linguistic field.
ESL - Accreditations  - BAC
This accreditation is responsible for maintaining academic standards for higher education and specialized studies in Great Britain. It accords particular attention to foreign students.
British Council
ESL - Accreditations  - British Council
This British governmental organization examines and determines the quality of language schools.
Business English UK partner agency
ESL - Accreditations  - Business English UK partner agency
ESL – Language Travel is an official agent for executive language training centres in the UK.
ESL - Accreditations  - CEELE
This association stemming from the University of Alcalá is the symbol of quality guarantee for Spanish schools in Spain. All ESL partner schools have successfully passed the CEELE inspection.
ESL - Accreditations  - EAQUALS
This Pan-European association brings together all service providers concerned with language teaching, with the aim of securing the quality of the service providers of the private and public economy.
ESL - Accreditations  - EduSa
The EduSA association, formerly ELTASA, belongs to the South African Youth and Travel Confederation (SAYTC). It incorporates all organisations in the language travel industry in South Africa and is committed to developping and guiding the growth of the sector by guaranteeing the quality and professionalism of its members.
ESL - Accreditations  - ELICOS
(English Language Intensive Courses for Overseas Students)Only schools meeting quality criteria are accredited by this official Australian label.
English Australia
ESL - Accreditations  - English Australia
This official Australian label accredits only schools fulfilling certain quality criteria.
English New Zealand
ESL - Accreditations  - English New Zealand
This federation, which brings together private, accredited schools teaching English, is recognized by the New Zealand Department of Education.
English UK partner agency
ESL - Accreditations  - English UK partner agency
This label resulted from a merger of two of the most important quality control bodies, ARELS and BASELT. ESL – Language Travel is an official agent of English UK.
Membership conditions are as follows:
  • High quality teaching
  • Qualified teachers
  • Detailed programmes
  • Carefully chosen host families
  • Students from diverse backgrounds
ESL - Accreditations  - FaDaF
This national organisation guarantees the quality of the teaching body and content of German as a foreign language lessons given in Germany’s schools and universities.
ESL - Accreditations  - FELTOM
Based in Malta, this federation only recognizes patented and eminent schools.
ESL - Accreditations  - FIYTO
(Federation of International Youth Travel Organizations)
This association has been in existence for 50 years and is the largest and most influential organisation in the domain of youth travel. FIYTO counts approximately 350 members, spread throughout 60 countries.
ESL - Accreditations  - FLE
In France, this quality label, put in place by the CIEP (Centre International d'Études Pédagogiques), from now on allows foreign students to identify and recognise French language schools guaranteeing an excellent quality of teaching. The FLE assurance of quality is issued to language schools which meet a number of criteria, also entitling them to be featured in the directory established by the CIEP.
IALC partner agency
ESL - Accreditations  - IALC partner agency
IALC is an association of more than 80 exceptional independent language schools.
ESL - Accreditations  - ICEF
ESL – Language Travel has been recognised by ICEF, the world leader in event organisation for international education professionals.
Instituto Cervantes
ESL - Accreditations  - Instituto Cervantes
The Cervantes Institute is a public institution which was founded in Spain in 1991 to promote Spanish language teaching and knowledge of the cultures of Spanish-speaking countries throughout the world.
International House
ESL - Accreditations  - International House
International federation of regularly inspected schools that work according to quality criteria of a high standard.
Label of quality for Swiss tourism (Level 1)
ESL - Accreditations  - Label of quality for Swiss tourism (Level 1)
ESL – Language Travel has fulfilled all necessary conditions to achieve level 1 of the Label of Quality for Swiss tourism, which was created by several Swiss tourism institutions, including the Swiss Federation of Tourism (FST), the Swiss Tourism Office (ST) and the Swiss Association of Tourism Directors (ASDT).
Languages Canada
ESL - Accreditations  - Languages Canada
The Languages Canada objective is to guarantee that its members provide high-quality services
ESL - Accreditations  - MEI
This association brings together Irish schools teaching English. Members of MEI are also recognised by the Irish Department of Education.
ESL - Accreditations  - NEAS
Australian national governmental accreditation organisation for the recognition of educational institutions. The objective of this organisation is to guarantee the teaching quality of English language schools.
Quality English partner agency
ESL - Accreditations  - Quality English partner agency
ESL – Language Travel is an official agent of Quality English. This label is only accessible to independent schools with an excellent reputation that offer high quality programmes satisfying demanding criteria.
ESL - Accreditations  - Relsa
(Recognized English Language Schools Association) This association brings together Irish schools teaching English. The members of RELSA are also recognised by the Irish Department of Education.
STM Star Awards
ESL - Accreditations  - STM Star Awards
ESL – Language Travel has been repeatedly awarded “Star Agency Western Europe” award by several thousand language schools around the world. 
WYSE Work Abroad Association
ESL - Accreditations  - WYSE Work Abroad Association
As well as setting high quality standards for its members, this association works in partnership with local governments to promote work abroad programmes.