Adults, Choice of courses

Choice of courses

Bespoke Language Courses Abroad

We offer a wide range of course types to suit all needs. This page includes an overview of our most popular options to give you an idea of what might be best for you. If you'd like to know more or have questions about a specific course and location, get in touch and we'd be delighted to help.

General course (standard or intensive)
A course is either “standard” or “intensive” depending on the number of lessons each week. A standard course is usually taught in the mornings (sometimes in the afternoons during the high season), while the intensive course has lessons both in the mornings and afternoons. The contents of the courses is designed around the language of everyday life so you can put your skills to practical use. Courses are based on the communicative methodology and touch on topics of general interest (history, news, culture, politics, society, etc.) to give students well-rounded skills.
Standard course
A standard course teaches the fundamentals of the language, both written (reading and writing skills) and aural/oral (listening and speaking skills). It focuses on the use of the language in everyday situations. This type of course is appropriate for students who want to enhance their language knowledge and put it into practice, perhaps by taking a job alongside the course. This option is also ideal if you want free time around your studies to enjoy a hobby or simply use your language skills outside of the classroom.
Intensive course
An intensive course is based on the same model as the standard course but the pace is faster and the subjects are covered in more depth. During the afternoons, the class has a more communicative approach and a wider range of conversational subjects is covered. An intensive course is ideal for students who want to make rapid progress.
Academic trimester, semester or year
The duration of this programme is ideal to achieve ambitious objectives as it gives you the means to improve your command of a foreign language over several months.
Academic programmes often include official exam preparation as well as lessons focussing on optional topics. Sliding-scale prices are available for long-term courses, providing an excellent return on investment.
Exam preparation courses
Official certificates indicate your language level and are recognised worldwide. They represent an important tool for your future. Employers and particularly universities use these qualifications to assess the abilities of applicants. Each examination focuses on specific aspects of the language and, as such, requires a different learning approach. We offer specific preparation courses leading to internationally renowned official certificates including DELF/ DALF (French), DELE (Spanish), ZD (German), CILS (Italian) and more.
PLUS courses (sport, culture, etc.)
Courses PLUS offer the opportunity to balance language classes with the practice of a specific activity included in the programme. Thanks to our cultural extras, including gastronomy, music, dance, film-making, sustainable development and yoga, among others, you can combine language learning with an authentic cultural experience.

With our Courses PLUS Sport programmes, you can develop your language skills while practising your favourite sport. Surfing, diving, sailing, golf, tennis, skiing, snowboarding... a language study trip is the perfect chance to enjoy them. For sport all over the world at any time of year, dozens of destinations await you!
Business course
A business course enhances your language skills and your ability to express yourself and communicate in a professional context. Some people choose to combine a business course with a general language course.
Courses for professionals
Courses for professionals are tailor-made to help you boost your progress and achieve specific goals in a short time. The programme improves your language skills while providing a stimulating environment for developing soft skills. 
Our programmes for professionals offer a wide range of specialised courses. These courses base the topics of language study on a specific field (financial, medical, legal, industrial, commercial, telecommunications, etc.) and deal with the specifics of a certain activity such as technical vocabulary, industry-specific concepts, correspondence, etc.
Private course
If you have limited time and a clear objective, a private one-to-one course will ensure rapid language progress in the minimum possible time. The course will be designed around the topics that matter to you and the teacher will adapt to your learning style. It’s an intense way to learn, and you'll see fast results. It's possible to combine group lessons with private classes.
Private lessons may take place at the language school or in full immersion in your teacher’s home.
Course in the teacher’s home
A new concept in international education, this is the way to make maximum progress in the shortest time possible, while being completely immersed in the language you're learning. You'll live and learn with your teacher, who will analyse your individual needs and tailor the course content to you. Studying a tailor-made course in complete immersion, you'll make rapid progress without wasting any time on topics that aren't relevant to you. Please contact us for a free language level assessment or a no-obligation price quote.
Course combined with an internship or volunteer work
After a general language course, students have the opportunity to consolidate their language skills during an unpaid internship. Internships are adapted to your level and field of interest. This combination is a great opportunity to discover the world of work in another country or get involved in local community projects.
Teacher training
Initial training
Mostly designed for native speakers (or non-native speakers with an equivalent level), initial training courses for language teachers allow participants to acquire expert teaching techniques and put them into practice. These courses provide widely recognised teaching qualifications to help you start your career.

Refresher courses
Refresher courses for language teachers are an excellent way for teachers to expand their language and didactic knowledge. The world of teaching is in constant development and these courses allow you to keep direct contact with new methodology and to share best practice with other qualified teachers. For some courses, funding may be available via the EU’s Comenius program.
Courses for juniors
ESL – Language Travel offers a large range of quality international programs for children and young learners in superb destinations.
Family programmes
We also offer courses for the whole family: a chance for adults and children to enjoy a holiday in language immersion. Each family member follows a language course and activity programme corresponding to his or her individual needs, while accommodation and free time are enjoyed as a family. Contact us for further information.
50 plus
If you are over 50, of course you can take part in any of our adult courses, but perhaps you may like something a little more refined and tailored to students of a similar age. Our “50+” programmes offer a balanced mix of travel, learning and pleasure, with programmes targeted at the discovery of the local culture. Classes are given in the morning; the afternoon and evening are dedicated to activities and excursions, in order to explore the attractions of the destination. An unforgettable language learning and social experience!
Courses for groups
Whether for a holiday camp, exam preparation or any other group language study project, we offer complete packages designed according to your objectives and priorities (course content, type of accommodation, activities and excursions, etc.). These packages are great value for money and include free accommodation for accompanying leaders/organisers. Don’t hesitate to contact us for a free price quote.
Higher Education
We offer various higher education programmes allowing you to start or further your studies at university abroad and specialise in a specific professional field. Most courses are held in English and require a good language level.
Immersion + online learning
If your language ambitions are high but your time is limited, there is a study abroad option for you! Fast track your language learning thanks to technology, with a programme comprised of an initial online course, a full-immersion experience and a final online module. Taking place in a virtual classroom lead by an experienced teacher, the initial online course is made up of two group lessons and one private lesson per week, with access to as much self-study as your schedule allows. This prepares you for a full-immersion experience... boost your progress with complementary online and offline learning!