Choice of courses, Language PLUS
Choice of courses

Language PLUS

Language PLUS: Courses abroad combined with various activities

Language PLUS programmes allow you to develop your language skills with an added PLUS for your academic path.

In areas as diverse as sport, culture, music, cooking and travel among many others, you'll improve your knowledge of the language and share a unique experience with international students and locals. This programme is perfect for students who wish to customise their language study stay to suit their hobbies and interests.

As a communication tool, a language should be learned in practical, real life situations. Using all your senses, varying the memorisation process and becoming familiar with the language while practising an activity is the best way to speed up your learning curve.

Our Language PLUS courses are available at different levels, from beginner to advanced courses. Take the opportunity to combine studies with pleasure and practise or discover a new hobby as part of your language study experience abroad!